Category Archives: Most Recent

Episode 61: Never Say Never Again (1983)


Merry Christmas, Citizens!

We’re not officially there yet, but it’s so close we can taste it. And it tastes like a martini- shaken, not stirred.
Once again joined by our good pal, Tyler, we prepared to watch 1983’s bastard Bond film, Never Say Never Again. Tyler and Erik have seen ALL Bond films, while Tom and Brittany have seen NONE… It made for a interesting discussion.

We won’t bore you with plot points from this flick, as I’m sure you can guess that Bond is tasked with saving the civilized world from the clutches of a mad man. With, of course, plenty of booze and babes to distract him in the process. We dissect this film and get down to the nitty-gritty, as we discuss the sexiest Bond, the acidity level of James Bond’s urine, accidental animal death, and of course… what everyone wants to know, the number of sexual conquests Sean Connery has had in his life.

Listen up!

Special guest: Tyler

Life or death video games on a swanky yacht.

Episode 60: Santa With Muscles (1996)

Check out the trailer here

We are RAPIDLY approaching Christmas here on Second Class Cinema so Tom thought it was only appropriate to bring a little Christmas spirit with him on his selection this week. We watched the 1996 Hulk Hogan holiday ho-down Santa With Muscles. We had special guest Tyler on to help us discuss this one. This is the SECOND Hulk Hogan movie he’s been on for so we’re becoming experts on the subject. Do we shatter our rating system trying to figure this one out!?

Listen up!

Special guest: Tyler

What’s a movie without an ice cream truck full of goons?

Episode 59: She (1982)

Watch this not so bad fight scene

Hello Citizens!

We watched a submission film this week, and boy, was it weird. Erik’s sister Melissa recommended a bunch of awesomely terrible looking flicks to us, and while we wish we could say that the cream always rises to the top… We just aren’t goddamn liars.

We ended up picking the 1982 sci-fi/fantasy film, She. When Tom and Dick’s sister Shandra is kidnapped by the evil, football-pad-wearing Norks, they set off on an adventure to save her. On the way, they become entangled with She, the leader of a local tribe of Amazon-eque female warriors. She begrudgingly decides to help them rescue their sister. Along the way they encounter everything you could possibly imagine- from radioactive mutants and toga-wearing werepires, to a telepathic god named Godan. Will they make it past their many obstacles and rescue Shandra before it’s too late? Typically we have a lot of complaints about films that beat their viewers to death with their heavy-handed exposition… But in this case, it would have been more than welcomed. This is a lengthy saga, with very little explanation of, well, anything. We had to just take it at face value. Would we recommend it? Listen up and find out!

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A potpourri of goons

Episode 58: Deathgasm (2015)

Check out the trailer here:

It was Brittany’s turn to pick this week, and we’re sure it will surprise everyone to know that she picked a horror-comedy. We watched the 2015 New Zealand gore-fest, Deathgasm.

After being forced to live with his overly religious aunt and uncle, Brodie tries to make the best of things by making a few new friends and starting a metal band. He even attracts the attention of his classmate, Medina, who is a total babe. Unfortunately for him, it’s not enough to make him feel at home. He gets beat up by his cousin for talking to Medina, his family treats him like the spawn of Satan, and his classmates think he’s a freak. So when he and his best friend Zakk discover an ancient text- a song to summon demons, known as the Black Hymn- it’s not a surprise that they think it’s metal as fuck and decide to play it. Bloody chaos ensues, and now it’s up to Dethgasm (and Medina) to stop the demons and prevent the demon Aeloth from taking over the world.

This movie was a gem in the same vein as Dead Alive and Evil Dead, and was a gory joy to watch. Listen up as we discuss dildo murder, barbed wire weed-whackers and the power of chainmail metal babes! BRUTAAAAL!

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Episode 57: Revenge of the Ninja (1983)

Check out the whole movie here for free! Thanks Paramount!

It was Erik’s turn to pick the flick this week- naturally we ended up watching a ninja movie… We were in for a surprise, however, because 1983’s Revenge of the Ninja ended up being the best ninja flick we’ve seen to date.
After losing multiple family members to ninja violence (LOL), Cho swears off the ninja way, and he, his mother and his infant son, Kane, move from Japan to their new home in America. All is quiet for 6 years as Cho opens a successful art gallery and raises his son away from the violence of their homeland. That is until Cho discovers his business partner has been using their gallery as a front to sell heroin to the local mafia, who are not very happy with him… The thugs break into the gallery to steal the heroin, and kill Cho’s mother in the process. Cho must once again embrace the way of the ninja, and sets off on a vengeful path to save his son.
This movie is equal parts unintentional hilarity, and straight-up badassery. Listen up as we discuss the inventive kills, shoddy acting, and general awesomeness of this movie. We also briefly cover a First-Class Failure starring Billy Ray Cyrus, that we could barely tolerate 20 minutes of. Good times. Have you seen it? Is it worth finishing? Let us know!

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Best goon squad ever!

Episode 56: The Necro Files (1997)

This is that crazy part we talk about:

It’s our one year anniversary! Woo. To make this episode extra special to us, we decided to watch the 1997 movie The Necro Files. Why is that special you ask? Our movie tonight was directed by Matt Jaissle, also the director of the first movie we covered Back From Hell (if you decide to listen be warned, it’s rough)! We were lucky enough to interview Matt Jaissle about his work and you can find that embeded below as well. Tom purchased this movie and waited for the right time to watch it and I think we found it.

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Bonus interview with director Matt Jaissle


Episode 55: Night Trap (1992) (Yes the Sega CD game)

The cut of Night Trap we watched:

October is just about over, Halloween is approaching and soon we will have nothing to do but transition into Christmas movies. We say goodbye to Horror Movie Month in a strange fashion with Erik’s pick this week. Sega CD seems to come up a lot on this show as a reference of quality so Erik decided to choose the 1992 Sega CD release Night Trap. We know this is not a MOVIE but we viewed it as if it were one anyway. There are a lot of different versions of this on YouTube and you can see the one we watched above. Ryan of Fat Foot Films came on to talk about this his experiences actually playing AND beating this game. Overall it was kind of weird but we somehow managed to cram this in to our format. Happy Halloween!

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Special Guest: Ryan Convery


Fat Foot Films website!


Thanks to @videovangaurd for sharing this interesting documentary with us on YouTube:

Episode 54: May (2002) and The Loved Ones (2009)

May Trailer

The Loved Ones Trailer

We are keeping up with Horror Movie Month by watching a DOOOOOUBLE FEEEEEATURE! We watched May and The Loved Ones, a couple of SCAAAAARY LAAAAAADIES! We had b-movie professional and our friend Fallon come on to help us dive deep in to the insanity of a woman.

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Special Guest: Fallon Masterson

