Category Archives: Horror

Episode 100: Horror House on Highway Five (1985)

Hot damn y’all, it’s our 100th Episode!

Thanks to all of you who have somehow stumbled upon us and continue to listen to our ridiculous banter. We’re so happy other people love these misfit films and want to celebrate them the same way we do- in a mockingly critical and often obnoxious manner. Especially when we’ve dropped off the earth for a while due to life, and you all still hit us up with new film recommendations and discussions on older episodes. We know we’ve been gone for a while, thanks for not making it weird. Also, thanks to all our friends, on this episode and every other, who are always down to watch bad movies and share their love and knowledge of trash cinema with us. We love you all.

For this super special occasion, we were joined by not one, not, two, not, three, but FOUR friends from previous episodes who came over to watch this flick with us… and for the first time ever we recorded a commentary during the movie (download the commentary here)! Tyler, Fallon, Gray and Aaron all came by to watch the newly restored Horror House on Highway Five, which we recently purchased from Vinegar Sydrome (you can purchase it here if you want to watch along with the commentary, or just in general: ). It was interesting, to say the least.

The synopsis of this film would tell you that it’s about a crazed psychopath who stalks the streets, wearing a Richard Nixon mask, murdering helpless victims… but is it really? We had a lot of fun trying to break down the various threads of story in this film, which weren’t always coherent… But hey, this is the second movie we watched recently that’s featured random Nazi -occult subplots! Also, ferns!


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Last chance to download the commentary track

BONUS EPISODE 6: Elves (1989)

HO HO HO! We hope each and every one of you fiends had a great Christmas.
To polish off the holidays in a merry fashion, we decided to do a Bonus Episode on a Bad Movie Sunday recommendation, the 1989 flick, Elves.

Kirsten hates Christmas. So much so, that her and her friends, who’ve dubbed themselves “The Sisters of Anti-Christmas” perform a ritual to ruin Christmas. But unbeknownst to them, they actually performed a Nazi spell, calling forth an elf who is on a mission to impregnate a woman in an attempt to create a super-race of people who will take over the world. Makes sense right?

Listen up as we discuss the weird incestuous vibes this movie puts out, Grizzly Adam’s upsetting lack of Santa attire, and the truly insane last words of our “final” girl. Enjoy!

Also, episode 100 is just around the corner, so please feel free to reach out to us with thoughts of what we should watch watch, or give us fun stuff to read on the air!

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SecondClassCinema on instagram
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Episode 98: Clownhouse (1989)

Whose house? Clownhouse!

That’s right folks, we’re back at it this week with another super slimy movie to review, all for your enjoyment. It was Brittany’s turn to pick this week, and yet again, she could not escape her prediliction for films made in 1989. We watched Clownhouse, and it was… weird.

Casey is the baby of the family, and his brothers Geoffrey and Randy definitely don’t let him forget it. When we meet Casey, he is just waking up from a terrifying nightmare about clowns, during which he subsequently wets the bed. We learn this is a reoccuring event for him. Wanting to break Casey out of his phobia, his mother forces the boys to go to a carnival while she is out of town. The carnival goes about as well as expected, and they continue to tease Casey about being such a baby. Little do they know, there was a breakout at a local asylum that very day, and there were now three lunatics disguised as clowns preparing to pay the boys a visit…

This film is, in a word, grimy. If you know anything about it’s director- human trash can, Victor Salva- or the scandal surrounding this movie, this opinion won’t come as a big surprise. BUT, while we do touch upon it briefly, we tried to really judge this flick based on it’s own merits. We discuss how Sam Rockwell has been killing it since day one, the bogus house rules this mom has put forth, and how much we wish this insane clown posse had speaking lines. Listen up!

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Episode 97: Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)

APOLOGIES, for our lengthy and unannounced absence, Citizens!
The last month has been a doozy and we had to take an unplanned break due to purchasing real-estate, sickness, ailments, Pokemon cards… the works. But we’re finally back this week with a fucking weird movie, which, of course, Jim joined us to watch.

This week Erik picked the 1989 cyber-punk, body-horror insanity that is Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Apparently this film is about a metal fetishist who is hit by a car and left for dead by the main character- known only as “Man”. The fetishist then seeks revenge by slowly causing the “Man” to grow random parts and appendages made of metal… Slowly turning him INTO metal.

Listen up as we try to discuss this truly bizarre film… We try to mask our confusion by struggling to discuss the plot, and having a grunting contest.

Listen up!

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Episode 96: Blood Games (1990)

Happy October!

Tom picked the flick this week, and he thought the premise of a women’s baseball team lost in the woods with deranged killers sounded like a real home run (I’m sorry)… Our friend Aaron stopped by the studio to help us dissect this bloody baseball debacle.

When a group of drunken rednecks lose a baseball game to a traveling team of buxom babes, they are incensed, but get over it rather quickly. That is all short-lived however, when one of their own, Mino, tries to stiff the baseball coach out of $1000 he owes him over a bet on the game. Things escalate quickly, resulting in the accidental death of Mino’s son, Roy. Mino resorts to full-on Vietnam flashback mode, calling for the girls deaths, and offering $1000 per head. The race is on, can Babe and the Ball Girls escape this hillbilly nightmare unscathed, or are they all doomed to die in the woods?

In this episode we discuss our satisfaction with the death scenes, ponder the inexplicable decision made by Mino to pay $9,000 for 9 dead women instead of the paltry $1K he originally owed, and we cover just a ton of straight up grab-ass.

Unfortunately, this was not quite the splatter-fest we were hoping to grace you all with for October. But how did it measure up in every other regard?

Listen up!

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Episode 95: Don’t Go In The House (1980)

Happy October y’all!

We tried to bring you a horror review this week, in celebration of this most magnificent month… But it didn’t QUITE pan out that way. Our friend Tyler graced us with his presence for Brit’s pick this week, and she picked 1979’s, Don’t Go In The House.

Donny is a very quiet and withdrawn man who, seemingly, does not have a lot of friends or interests outside of taking care of his elderly, ailing mother. It isn’t long before we learn about how overbearing and abusive his mother was, as we’re shown her holding his arms above a lit stove in an attempt to burn the evil out of him. After a particularly dramatic workday, Donny returns to their home, only to discover that his mother had passed away during the day. Donny is pumped, and celebrates by cranking the music, smoking cigarettes in the house, and jumping all over the furniture. His excitement is cut short however, by a sinister voice in his head, a voice that is telling him to go out and punish evil women… To burn the evil out of them.
Will someone put a stop to Donny before it’s too late? Or will Donny and his flamethrower reign in terror as they purify the masses?

This movie promised us a madman terrorizing women with a flamethrower… Did it deliver? We discuss our varying ideas of what it means to “terrorize”, everyones inability to Stop-Drop & Roll, and the overbearing-mama-trauma that creates psychos. Listen up!

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Episode 94: The Refrigerator (1991)

Welcome back!

This week we were joined by a first-time guest- our friend and professional funny-lady, Liz Moniz. We even let her pick the flick! Liz had told us about this really strange movie she had watched with her Dad when she was a kid, a movie about a possessed refrigerator that eats people… So naturally we wanted to watch this ASAP. It took two years, but we done did it!

This movie follows a couple, Eileen and Steve, who have just relocated to NYC from Ohio, presumably in pursuit of Eileen’s dream of becoming a Broadway star. The two get a deal on a shabby apartment and quickly set about turning it into a home. Soon thereafter, the couple is visited by a seemingly crazy neighbor who warns them about previous tenants disappearing and other strange goings-on in the apartment. It’s not long before Eileen and Steve are plagued by nightmares and visions involving the refrigerator, and soon people they know begin disappearing as well. Who can quell the refrigerators demonic hunger?!

We cover a plethora of relevant topics in this week’s discussion- including gourmet cheeses, mother/daughter sexual tension, the lack of gore, and the least believable thing about this movie: $200 a month rent.

Listen up!

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This is the closest thing I could find for a trailer in about 3 minutes so here!

Episode 91: Uninvited (1988)

Hello again, Citizens!
We’re back at it this week with a recommendation from our friend and fellow podcaster, Dave Bullis (@Dave_Bullis), and Dave recommended that we indulge in 1988’s Uninvited.. So that’s exactly what we did!

Uninvited follows a group of brain-dead college kids that offer to crew the yacht of a corrupt business man, in exchange for tagging along on a trip to the Cayman Islands. Little do they know that his business on the island is not exactly on the up-and-up… Nor do they know that the cute cat they brought aboard with them is an escaped genetic experiment, waiting to wreak havoc on them all!

If that sounds like a weirdly convoluted plot, then congratulations, you’re right up to speed! Listen up as we discuss demon cat-rats, disappointing makeup effects, and whether or not beastiality is consentual. Enjoy!

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