Successes, failures, favorite parts, ratings, ALL of these happen on Tom’s selection this week. We watched the 1984 Filipino, action/martial arts movie, Death Raiders off of the Mercs DVD pack put out by VideoAsia. Special guest Aaron helps us put this movie in perspective and after some tequila, we definitely needed it.
Category Archives: Most Recent
Episode 22: Bitter Feast (2010)
Brittany’s selection, Bitter Feast is a 2010 movie in which a celebrity chef captures a food blogger and tortures him whilst also making him perform food challenges. Obviously we watched this one, but the outcome was quite surprising.
Episode 21: The Last Match (1991)
So Erik selected the 1991 football-action, extraction movie, The Last Match. The quarterback of a football team’s daughter gets imprisoned somewhere in South America so he collects all of his macho football player friends to go and save her. It’s not as cool as it sounds, trust us.
Episode 20: Zipperface (1992) & Penitentiary 3 (1987)
You read correctly, it’s our very first DOUBLE FEATURE! First we watched Zipperface, a 1992 hooker slasher(?) movie. We then were able to watch a movie submitted to us on Facebook, Penitentiary 3. These movies made for an interesting discussion.
Penitentiary 3!
Episode 19: Fatal Games (1984)
Brittany’s selection this week was the 1984 track and field slasher Fatal Games! We always thought javelins looked dangerous and this movie proves it.
Episode 18: Dollman (1991)
Fresh out of Cult Month, Erik picks the 1991 Action-Comedy Dollman. Brought to us by Full Moon Entertainment; this movie was not the movie we thought it was going to be when we started but we’re sure glad we were wrong. Second time guest Brian assists us in reviewing this one.
Episode 17: Gymkata (1985)
We learned how misleading this title is when we watched it as our latest pick for Cult Month. Joined once again by our dear friend, Aaron, we viewed and discussed this 1985 gynastics-riddled “martial arts” film.
Jonathan Cabot is an accomplished gymnast who is rigorously trained in martial arts and is forced to compete in the grueling survival competition, known as “The Game” (not the one starring Michael Douglas). The Game takes place in the eastern European country of Parmistan. The prize for winning? The ability to ask the King for anything, and have it be granted. There’s a whole other subplot about a dad, a space station, and some dude with a rat-tail… But we won’t spoil it all.
Listen up!
Our super extra fancy Gymkata GIF Catalog
Episode 16: Freeway (1996)
Brittany chose the movie this week and she picked 1996’s Freeway for her Cult Month selection. This is probably the closest we’ve come so far to watching something with actual substance. First time guest Jimmy is on to help us recap this mid-90’s gem.