Category Archives: Horror

Episode 49: Stitches (2012)

OCTOBER IS HERE!!! That means horror movies and so this is Horror Movie Month… OBVIOUSLY! Tom picked the 2012 Irish slasher/clown movie Stitches to kick it off. We all pretty much went in to one side on this rating. What side do you think our ratings fell on? Listen up as Tyler comes on and helps us discuss this insane clown picture.

Listen here!

Special guest: Tyler Loiselle



Episode 47: Lost After Dark (2014)

Watch the trailer here!

This week Brittany decided it’s time to watch something new again and she picked the 2014 slasher Lost After Dark. Although this movie was new, it is stylized as being an 80s slasher, which totally works for us! Or did it work for us? Find out how this movie measures up on our newest episode!

Check out the episode here!


Episode 45: Blood Harvest (1987)

Watch this weird scene from this movie because that’s what I wanted to post from YouTube here!

God Bless Tiny Tim! Seriously, because if it weren’t for him this movie would have been more unbearable than it already was. That movie was the 1987 horror movie “Blood Harvest”. This was Tom’s pick because it missed getting watched “too many times”. Yikes. Mr. Tim is a creepy clown in a small town where people are being hung upside down and… killed! Sounds promising right? Find out how we all rate this movie on this week’s discussion!

Listen to the episode here!


Episode 44: Blade of the Vampire (2005)

Watching this interesting, trailer type thingy here!

On this week’s Second Class Cinema we finally got around to not only recording an episode, but watching a movie submitted to us! We watched 2005 horror/vampire movie Blade of the Vampire! Someone actually bought Blade of the Vampire for us to watch. Hard earned dollars. For us to watch this. Thanks for allowing us to watch this Scott! THANKS! We had an interesting time rating this one that’s for sure.

Listen to the episode here:

You know… how vampires work.

Episode 43: Girl House (2015)

Check out the trailer here!

On this episode we watch something new for once! Brittany selected the 2015 slasher movie Girl House. We know what these types of movies can be capable of- for better OR worse- so either way we would’ve had something to talk about. What do you think we’d rate a movie like this and what would you rate it yourself? Let us know! @2ndClassPodcast on Twitter!

Listen up!

Loverboy.jpg. So good.

Episode 40: The Brood (1979)

It’s Brittany’s pick and she picked the 1979 horror movie The Brood, directed by David Cronenberg. Not quite sure we were expecting a very deep film today but hey what else can we expect from David Cronenberg? We certainly experienced some ups and downs with this AND we all gave it the same rating, find out how it measured up on the Fuck Scale!


BONUS EPISODE 2: Devil Story (1985)

YES ANOTHER BONUS EPISODE! A day early as well! In this episode we “very quickly discussed” the 1985 French horror movie Devil Story. We went out in PUBLIC to watch this one though, that’s right, The Arkham Film Society put on this show for us in Providence. Since we didn’t have notes to take, nor did we have the immediate discussion on our side, we reduced this episode to a reaction to some of the major moments as well as rating it. This is the second AFS movie we’ve done on the show as we covered the 1981 slasher Home Sweet Home. Currently on YouTube only, but soon to come to Podbean!
Check out The Arkham Film Society on Facebook:


Episode 38: The Rats (2001)

It was Tom’s pick this week and he chose the 2001 movie The Rats. This movie had rats, rats, a guy that looked like a rat, more rats, and climaxes with a geyser of rats in a rec-center pool. THAT’S IT AND GOODNIGHT!
