Category Archives: Horror Movie Month

Episode 55: Night Trap (1992) (Yes the Sega CD game)

The cut of Night Trap we watched:

October is just about over, Halloween is approaching and soon we will have nothing to do but transition into Christmas movies. We say goodbye to Horror Movie Month in a strange fashion with Erik’s pick this week. Sega CD seems to come up a lot on this show as a reference of quality so Erik decided to choose the 1992 Sega CD release Night Trap. We know this is not a MOVIE but we viewed it as if it were one anyway. There are a lot of different versions of this on YouTube and you can see the one we watched above. Ryan of Fat Foot Films came on to talk about this his experiences actually playing AND beating this game. Overall it was kind of weird but we somehow managed to cram this in to our format. Happy Halloween!

Listen Up

Special Guest: Ryan Convery


Fat Foot Films website!


Thanks to @videovangaurd for sharing this interesting documentary with us on YouTube:

Episode 54: May (2002) and The Loved Ones (2009)

May Trailer

The Loved Ones Trailer

We are keeping up with Horror Movie Month by watching a DOOOOOUBLE FEEEEEATURE! We watched May and The Loved Ones, a couple of SCAAAAARY LAAAAAADIES! We had b-movie professional and our friend Fallon come on to help us dive deep in to the insanity of a woman.

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Special Guest: Fallon Masterson



Episode 53: Monster Squad (1987)

It’s STILL Horror Movie Month here and we kept it going with another one of Brittany’s picks, the 1987 movie Monster Squad. Special guest Dan comes on to help us discuss this childhood favorite!

Listen up here!

Special Guest: Dan Black


Episode 52: The Kindred (1987)

Keeping on with Horror Movie Month, we watched something a little more traditional in style, kind of. Tom picked the 1987 sci-fi/horror movie The Kindred! This was an interesting watch for us because we really had no clue what we were getting in to. Brandon came on to help us discuss this movie, and this is one of his personal favorites. He even brought an old Fangoria magazine that had an article about this movie. Where do you think this movie will measure on the Fuck scale?

Listen up!

Special Guest: Brandon St Pierre


Episode 51: My Boyfriend’s Back (1993)

We continue watching horror movies with Brittany’s pick this month, the comedy/horror movie My Boyfriend’s Back! We realize that for horror movie month we have been picking things that are horror second and something else first, but hey that’s still ok, right? OH WELL! Special guest Tee comes on and helps us talk about this movie and we discuss whether or not this movie’s original rating was warranted in contrast to some other movies from the same time period. We have some cool info about the movie too listen up!

Listen up!

Special Guest: Taryn McCarthy


Episode 50: Wild Zero (1999)

We take in our 50th episode with Erik’s pick for our horror movie adventure this month with the Japanese horror/comedy Wild Zero! Yes. We did in fact play along with the drinking game portion of this movie. Our friend Jimmy comes on to help us drink, discuss and debate.

Listen here:

Special guest: Jim Schultz



Episode 49: Stitches (2012)

OCTOBER IS HERE!!! That means horror movies and so this is Horror Movie Month… OBVIOUSLY! Tom picked the 2012 Irish slasher/clown movie Stitches to kick it off. We all pretty much went in to one side on this rating. What side do you think our ratings fell on? Listen up as Tyler comes on and helps us discuss this insane clown picture.

Listen here!

Special guest: Tyler Loiselle

