Episode 86: Meet the Applegates (1990)

Hellooooo, Citizens!

This week on SCC, we welcomed our friend, Gray, back to the show… And we even let him pick the flick!
Last time Gray was here, he and Tom bonded over a bizarrely traumatizing scene from a movie they had both seen as children. In the scene, a woman is in labor and gives birth to a weird, squishy egg- which is promptly stepped on, causing a gooey, slimy explosion. That movie was 1990’s Meet the Applegates. And you can bet your bottom dollar that that is what we watched this week.

The Applegates, are, statistically, the most average family in America. Dick (the father) is a normal, hard-working man, Jane (the mother) is a sweet homemaker-type, Sally (their daughter) is pretty and modest, and their son, Johnny, is the quintessential A-student (barring his weirdly forced love of heavy metal). But the Applegates have a secret… A dangerous secret. Are they what they appear to be? Or are they giant, humanoid insects from the Brazilian rainforest, trying to assimilate into American culture in order to carry out a sinister agenda?

We’re pretty sure we had more fun discussing this movie than we had watching it, but we’ll take whatever we can get. This dredged up a lot of topics for us, including: films that scarred us for life, the lack of sexual consent in the 80’s and the religious implications of breaking a pinky-promise.

Listen up!

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