Episode 68: INhuMANity (2001)

This week on SCC we dip our toes into the seedy, straight-to-video world that is York Entertainment.

It was Tom’s pick, and so the blame lies solely with him that this week we watched the 2001 crime-drama (?) INhuMANity. Another movie we unearthed at the flea market… so you can probably guess how well it went.

This movie follows two obnoxious detectives (played by Todd Bridges and Faison Love), as they harrass assault victims, perform B&Es and try to solve a string of rapes and murders… Kind of…
Switching between multiple plotlines with insane ineptitude, figuring this flick out was difficult- to say the least. Listen up as we discuss the jarring camera work, non-existent character development, and the horrible omen of lightning striking a babies crib. Enjoy!

Listen up!

Random ninja sightings usually HELP a movie

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