Episode 44: Blade of the Vampire (2005)

Watching this interesting, trailer type thingy here!

On this week’s Second Class Cinema we finally got around to not only recording an episode, but watching a movie submitted to us! We watched 2005 horror/vampire movie Blade of the Vampire! Someone actually bought Blade of the Vampire for us to watch. Hard earned dollars. For us to watch this. Thanks for allowing us to watch this Scott! THANKS! We had an interesting time rating this one that’s for sure.

Listen to the episode here:

You know… how vampires work.

Episode 43: Girl House (2015)

Check out the trailer here!

On this episode we watch something new for once! Brittany selected the 2015 slasher movie Girl House. We know what these types of movies can be capable of- for better OR worse- so either way we would’ve had something to talk about. What do you think we’d rate a movie like this and what would you rate it yourself? Let us know! @2ndClassPodcast on Twitter!

Listen up!

Loverboy.jpg. So good.

Episode 42: Robowar (1988)

Check out the trailer here!

We watched Erik’s pick this week and that was the 1988 movie Robowar!  Predator meets RoboCop when a bunch of guys just wander around the jungle unloading their automatic weapons on things they think they see.  Erik has a predilection towards “Robo” movies and I think we finally get it now. Listen up as this episode gets -GREASY-.




Episode 41: Hollywood Cop (1987)

Check out the trailer here!

On this week’s episode we watch Tom’s pick, the 1987 action movie Hollywood Cop. This movie was directed by Amir Shervan, the same person that made Samurai Cop! You can expect a similar level of grime and crime in this awkwardly raunchy spectacle. This movie came out 4 years prior to Samurai Cop, so we draw the parallels between the two and see how Amir Shervan differed from one movie to the other… If at all. IT’S NOT AWESOME!
